
De la verdad de alla a la verdad de aca....

Es díficil, harto díficil, el seguir día a día pensando si lo que hice estuve bien o mal. Darle replay en la cabeza, un minuto tras otro en los momentos de ocio, analizando cada movimiento, y pensando: "esta bien que improvise y me adapte a la situación... pero porque mejor no hice esto".

Es muy díficil, y mas díficil el volverse a topar con esa situación y volver hacer lo mismo, improvisar y no realizar la jugada planeada y entrenada.

Lunes, hora del lonche... voy bajando las escaleras mientras ella, una mujer que no conozco, se atravieza en mi camino. O tal vez yo en el de ella. Me pide que me quite, pero yo no entiendo y le respondo algo totalmente fuera de contexto, que pensandolo después y en el contexto que ella lo entendio, fue lo mas vulgar que pude haber hecho en mi vida. La mujer se indigna y se pasa a mi lado. No entendi que paso, yo pensaba que ella me bloqueo el camino a mi, ella que yo se lo bloquie a ella, ella tiene una discapacidad, yo no, ella esta ofendida, yo me siento mal. Y la verdad, verdad, todavía no se quien estuvo mal, yo no me cruce en su camino, ella se cruzo en el mio...

Pasaron los dias y me disculpe, ella me volteo a ver con cara de pues a mi. Y a pesar de yo sentirme mal, pienso, ella fue la que se cruzo en mi camino. Entonces, ¿por qué ella no se disculpo? Dijera Intocable, ¿Por qué he de ser yo?. Yo lo hice por autentico sentimiento de culpa, pero ante esa respuesta, la verdad como una rueda en el aire...

Pero aun pienso, aun analizo, y aun no sé... quien se cruzo en el camino de quien


El tesoro al final del arcoiris


Comercial: Banksy y Paris Hilton


Desde el baúl de los recuerdos: Jambing

No se de donde salio, no estoy seguro a quien tenia en mi mente cuando escribi esto. Estoy casi seguro que lo escribi antes del 2003, pero no se bien.


y si al pasar puedo sentir el toque de tu piel con mis dedos,
el verte y desearte
verte desnuda de frente y de perfil
y darte gracias, pues ponerme de rodillas y llorar por tu amor
fue el oxigeno que necesitaba
para decirte que te amaba,

pero no te podia tener mas..
por eso, de ti, hoy recibo la espalda
no entendiste que eran los celos los que me mataban... todos los ojos te
admiraban a ti y me borraban a mi

no entendias que mi amor por ti era lo que dia a dia me destrozaba
por eso decidi el adios

en mis pensamientos te segui
cuchillo en mano
tu llorabas y me pedias piedad... yo te decia que te amaba

y evite escucharte para no sufir mas
y tus ojos ya en mi bolsillo
para que no me vieran otra vez con esa mirada acusadora


Me entrevistaron para el Tufts Observer

Pues me entrevistaron, por email, para el Tufts Observer sobre mi opinión del proceso electoral en México, asi que aquí esta lo que respondi:

I am happy to cooperate, however it is important to notice that I live in London (as of Oct/05), not in Mexico, so I followed most of the process using internet sources.

1. The election. The electoral process in Mexico is in general party driven; there is no space for citizens outside the political parties, not only to have access to public resources, but just to be able to appear in the ballot. Jorge Castañeda and “Dr. Simil” were not able to appear because they had no party. The electoral process is not for the benefit of the citizens, but for the parties, hence the electoral process does not represent the wish and opinion of the citizen of Mexico.

That said, this electoral process was not fair and balanced in any accounts:
• The IFE general council was appointed overlooking the opinion of the PRD; which was back then the 3rd party in the congress, you can not just ignore them if they are an important part of the political system.
• The president of the IFE general council, Luis Carlos Ugalde, had Felipe Calderon (PAN’s candidate) as witness for his wedding (Ugalde recognised this on an interview with Carlos Loret de Mola, so it is not a “conspiracy theory” argument).
• The IFE general council acted irresponsibly during the electoral process, I don’t have elements to say that it was in bad faith, but they certainly did things that are not politically correct, such as not telling everyone about the “lost votes” during the PREP; Ugalde implying that Calderon was the winner, opening electoral packages without telling people. Although the last 3 points are legal, they do not help if we want to perceive a clean and fair electoral process.
• Vicente Fox, the President, and Alejandro Encinas, Mexico City major, were clearly in campaign during the electoral process. Vicente Fox was clearly supporting Calderon when saying “we do not need to change the horse”, and attacking the populist, and about two weeks ago Fox said that Calderon was the winner, which is just wrong! He is the president and has to wait for the court to qualify the election before he starts the “matracas” again. The IFE general council was not able in any accounts to stop or control any of them.
• Private organisations, such as the Consejo Coordinador Empresarial, participated in the electoral process, which is illegal.
• As of today (6/9/6), the result in the election has a very narrow difference between the two top contenders, .5%. I would like to know which the error rate is in the counting process. If it is less then .5% or close to it, then a general recount is needed. AMLO’s team has shown errors in the counting, when the election is so close, each and one of those errors count towards the final result. I don’t buy the argument of fraud, but people do make mistakes specially after spending all day sitting in a polling station and then counting 800 votes approx.
• It doesn’t make sense that the PRD and its allies only contested the Presidential election and not the Congress’, both were organised by the same people.
• The TV and radio commercials just helped in the division of the population, poor vs. rich, “nacos vs fresas”. I don’t recall listening to proposal, just opinions: “Lopez Obrador, a danger to Mexico” (what kind of danger?) or “Lopez Obrador, he knows how to do it?” (Do what? I ask)
• Both the PRD and its allies and PAN and the federal government have been pressuring the Electoral Court.

I know that several electoral reforms have been made since 1988, but our electoral system is still far away from being usable beyond doubts, taking into consideration that most Mexicans do not trust anything. Just to summarise, the election was a shame and very expensive.

2. The Protests. They are legal. I don’t like them, but they are legal and have the right to do it. Supporters claim that they are not conflicting with the right to circulate, because people are able to walk by, just cars are not allowed. The protests are helping making the social division bigger and wider. It seems that you can only in favour or against them, and there is not point in the middle or analysis. You are either pro-AMLO, hence a moron and a poor according to the other side; or against them and hence a rich and a fascist according to the other side.

It is important to notice that the only violence in the protests have come from people against them, such as the guy who drove over the tents. According to what it has been reported, the protests have not broken a window or graffiti any walls.

AMLO is free to organise as many “alternative” governments as he wants (Fox participated in one in 1988 as minister of agriculture), as long as he doesn’t start managing the money or signing treaties. I see his national convention as a political agenda that someone (PRD?) would have to promote in the usual ways.

I don’t agree when AMLO says that he is representing all the people, I don’t agree when the government just ignores what is happening in downtown. I did not agree with the military protection of the congress, for god sake they had snipers the day of the presidential inform! Why, what were they expecting?

Both sides think they are right, and none if them is willing to negotiate. The only thing I have clear is that the Mexicans are divided, and just supporting AMLO or Calderon is enough to separate families or destroy friendships.

3. Whether you voted in the election (for who, and why)--or who you supported.

No, I did not vote. I thought I was going to Mexico for the summer and I did not register to voter for overseas ballots. I did not support any one, I am pro left hence I wouldn’t vote for PAN or PRI, but I did not like AMLO as a choice. I would have cancelled my vote as I did not like any of the choices for president. I would have vote for PRD for senate and for Alternativa for deputies.

I think we need a change of model that really addresses the needs of Mexico, but I did not like AMLO as a pilot, and I was never sure of what were the proposals from Calderon.

4. The general trend away from conservatism in Latin American politics.

Latin America is a heavily catholic population, so I am not sure what being away from conservatism is. Latin America has to respond to its needs: poverty, economic growth, social division, ecological needs, poor educational systems, and lack of technological growth to mention few. Was the immediate past the conservatism? They were governments that ran under the influence of the USA, and regardless of which side the next governments will be, they will try to stay away from the USA influence but not too far because we depend heavily on them, but answering to our needs.

5. Also your thoughts on outgoing President Fox

He lives in “Foxiland”. Politically has not been able to do anything: did not manage to get the big reforms in the congress, couldn’t manage the airport, Oaxaca is close to disaster, the presidential election turn out to be big a mess, the educational system is sinking horribly, the obscene “presidential couple”, the role of his wife, the force of the state to destroy AMLO, Chiapas, the high number of immigrants we “exported” to the USA, etc.. His only good point is the Access to Information Institute. The economic stability is a continuation of Zedillo (Ortiz in the Federal Reserve and Gil in the Ministry of Finances). The Public HMO which he initiated is something initially rotten, the HMO services for public health are the wrong way to go; it doesn’t matter if it is that cheap.

He was a total disaster, but he hasn’t realised that; and I am sure of that when he says things like “Mexico is Super Duper”. He is a good character though, and enjoys the public affection.

Eduardo Calvillo – G’01


Dónde estas?

Que no te veo, pero se que estas cerca.


Pues soy de Izquierda

y que?

(pero no prdista, me caen en la punta Martí Batres, Leonel Cota, Dolores Padierna... y demás camarilla)

pero voto x voto, casilla x casilla.... porque si algo he aprendido es que .5% es muy poca diferencia para no tomar en cuenta los errores humanos (ignorando el dolo y demas teorías de la conspiración), .5% amerita volver a contar.

Pregunto al que sepa, ¿cual es el % de error en conteo manual con 10 monos viendo? ¿cual es el % de error en apuntar números a mano? ¿cual es el % de error en leer números? ¿cual es el % de error en transcribir numeros? ¿cual es el % de error cuando se mojan los actas y los numeros se distorcionan? es todo eso menor a .5%?

Nunca me ha gustado la actitud berrinchuda del Peje, pero menos me gusta la actitud moralina del PAN (Aunque Julio Frenk se ha fajado los pantalones, aunque los anuncios de condones del sector salud ya no son tan populares como cuando estaba De la Fuente) y tampoco la inexistencia politica de don Chente Fox (Juan Villoro publica un articulo buenisimo en Reforma al respecto, ademas de Lorenzo Meyer y Raymundo Rivapalacio), y no creo que Felipito Calderon (algun dia platicare cuando se quedo dormido en un carro en boston en pleno jalogüin'00) vaya a cambiar eso, aunque bueno, esta el beneficio de la duda.... si llega

Uno esta convencido de que lo robaron, el otro esta convencido de que todo lo hizo bien (es amoral pero es legal, parece ser su argumento). Cuando alguien dice blanco y el otro dice negro, no se puede acordar que es gris (porque es blanco o negro, no gris!)... estudiosos de la negociacion y de la diplomacia, que pasa ante esa situacion?

Las incongruencias del PRD son muchas, creo yo, un dia defiende las encuestas que ayer no, hoy defiende el resultado de Chiapas de la misma forma que ataca las federales. Las del PAN son iguales y los del PRI también (se pasaron por el arco del triunfo al prd en el congreso, de nuevo, legal pero amoral), pero como dijera el Ideologo Potosino Gonzalon N. Santos, la moral es una arbol que da moras.

Yo lo unico que se es, .5% es muy poca diferencia para no considerar un recuento, y vuelvo a preguntar. ¿Alguién sabe si los margenes de error son menores al .5%?

y todo fue culpa de limite

iba decidido, con la mira en alto y la determinacion a flor de piel, solo buscaba aquella cancion de limite que dice:
date valor para decirme que me quieres

o algo parecido, caminaba y caminaba y la dichosa cancion no aparecia en mis audifonos.

Estaba cerca, ya veia el letrero que indicaba mi destino y la cancion no aparecia, abri la puerta mientras lentamente me quitaba un audifono y despues el otro, esperando que en esos ultimos segundos aparecia la voz de la licha villareal.

Pero nooooo! la señora no se digno aparecer y todo el show se cayo, no pude decir nada y solo me quede con una estupida sonrisa.

Cuando me fui y me puse los audifonos estaba aquella cancion de Sabina que dice
Ya eyacule


Punchis, Punchis

Las equis en Fabric